카테고리 없음

2023. 국가직 9급 영어 20번 해설

겸둥이 교육학 시험 2023. 9. 19. 11:10


20. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

Over the last fifty years, all major subdisciplines in psychology have become more and more isolated from each other as training becomes increasingly specialized and narrow in focus. As some psychologists have long argued, if the field of psychology is to mature and advance scientifically, its disparate parts (for example, neuroscience, developmental, cognitive, personality, and social) must become whole and integrated again. Science advances when distinct topics become theoretically and empirically integrated under simplifying theoretical frameworks. Psychology of science will encourage collaboration among psychologists from various sub-areas, helping the field achieve coherence rather than continued fragmentation. In this way, psychology of science might act as a template for psychology as a whole by integrating under one discipline all of the major fractions/factions within the field. It would be no small feat and of no small import if the psychology of science could become a model for the parent discipline on how to combine resources and study science ______________________.


from a unified perspective

in dynamic aspects

throughout history

with accurate evidence




빈칸 채워넣기 문제는 추론하는 문제이다. 마지막 문장“ how to combine resources and study science---”를 유추해보면 많은 자원을 결합(통합)해서 --- 학문을 연구하는 방법에서 “from a unified perspective”를 유추할 수 있다. , combineunified의 문맥호응문제이다.



이 단락은 심리학의 여러 하위 분야 간의 통합 및 협력의 필요성에 대해 논의하고 있다. "통일된 관점에서"라는 문구는 단락에서 언급된 목표인 하나의 학문 아래 심리학의 이질적인 부분을 통합한다는 생각과 일치한다. 전체적이고 상호 연결된 관점에서 심리학 연구에 접근하는 것의 중요성을 강조하고 있다.


[전문 해석]

지난 50년 동안 훈련이 점점 더 전문화되고 초점이 좁아짐에 따라 심리학의 모든 주요 하위 분야는 서로 점점 더 고립되었다. 일부 심리학자들이 오랫동안 주장한 것처럼 심리학 분야가 성숙하고 과학적으로 발전하려면 심리학의 이질적인 부분(: 신경과학, 발달, 인지, 성격 및 사회)이 전체가 되고 다시 통합되어야 한다. 과학은 별개의 주제가 이론적 프레임워크를 단순화하여 이론적으로 경험적으로 통합될 때 발전한다. 과학 심리학은 다양한 하위 영역의 심리학자들 간의 협력을 장려하여 해당 분야가 지속적인 분열보다는 일관성을 달성하도록 돕는다. 이런 식으로 과학 심리학은 그 분야 내의 모든 주요 분파/분파를 하나의 학문 아래 통합함으로써 심리학 전체를 위한 템플릿 역할을 할 수 있다. 과학심리학이 통일된 관점에서 자원을 결합하고 과학을 연구하는 방법에 대한 모 학문의 모델이 될 수 있다면 그것은 결코 작은 위업이 아니며 작은 의미도 없을 것이다.


[문장구조분석 및 단어. 숙어]

1. Over the last fifty years, all major subdisciplines in psychology have become more and more isolated from each other as training becomes increasingly specialized and narrow in focus.


1) 문장구조분석

(Over the last fifty years,) all major subdisciplines (in psychology) /have become/ more and more isolated (from each other) [as training/ becomes/ (increasingly) specialized and narrow (in focus)].


부사구(Over the last fifty years,)+주어(all major subdisciplines)+부사구(in psychology) +동사(have become)+ 보어(more and more isolated)+부사구(from each other)+ 종속절[as training/ becomes/ (increasingly) specialized and narrow (in focus)].

종속절 분석

종속 접속사(as)+주어(training) +동사(becomes)+ 부사(increasingly)+ 보어(specialized and narrow)+ 부사구(in focus)].


2) 단어. 숙어

subdiscipline: 하위 분야, 부분 분야, 분과

Synonyms: branch, specialty, field, domain

psychology: 심리학

Synonyms: mental science, mind science, study of the mind

isolated: 고립된, 분리된, 독립된

Synonyms: separated, disconnected, secluded

each other: 서로, 상호

Synonyms: one another, mutually

increasingly: 점점 더, 점차적으로

Synonyms: progressively, steadily, gradually

specialize: 특화하다, 전문화되다

Synonyms: focus, concentrate, specialize in

narrow: 좁은, 제한된, 한정된

Synonyms: limited, restricted, confined

in focus: 초점, 주목, 집중

Synonyms: attention, concentration, emphasis



2. As some psychologists have long argued, if the field of psychology is to mature and advance scientifically, its disparate parts (for example, neuroscience, developmental, cognitive, personality, and social) must become whole and integrated again.


1) 문장구조분석

[As some psychologists have long argued], {if the field of psychology is to mature and advance scientifically,} its disparate parts/ (for example, neuroscience, developmental, cognitive, personality, and social)/ must become/ whole and integrated (again).

(1) 시간의 종속 부사절:

접속사(As)+ 주어(some psychologists)+동사(have long argued)

(2) 조건의 부사절:

접속사(if)+주어(the field of psychology)+ 동사(is)+ 보어(to mature and advance) +부 사(scientifically),

(3) 주절:

주어(its disparate parts)+부사구(for example, neuroscience, developmental, cognitive, personality, and social)+ 동사(must become)+ 보어(whole and integrated)+ 부사(again).


2) 단어. 숙어

psychologist: 심리학자

Synonyms: mental health professional, therapist, counselor

argue: 주장하다, 논의하다, 주장

Synonyms: assert, claim, advocate, debate

mature: 성숙하다, 성장하다

Synonyms: develop, evolve, progress, ripen

advance: 진보하다, 전진하다, 발전시키다

Synonyms: progress, improve, evolve, promote

scientifically: 과학적으로

Synonyms: empirically, rationally, objectively

disparate: 이질적인, 상이한

Synonyms: diverse, distinct, different, varied

for example: 예를 들어, 예를 들면

Synonyms: for instance, as an example, to illustrate

neuroscience: 신경과학

Synonyms: neural science, brain science, neurobiology

developmental: 발달, 발전과 관련된

Synonyms: growth, progressive, evolving

cognitive: 인지, 인지적인

Synonyms: mental, intellectual, cognitive processes

personality: 성격, 인격

Synonyms: character, temperament, individuality

integrate: 통합하다, 통합되다

Synonyms: combine, merge, unite, incorporate



3. Science advances when distinct topics become theoretically and empirically integrated under simplifying theoretical frameworks.


1) 문장구조분석

Science/ advances{ when/ distinct topics/ become (theoretically and empirically )integrated (under simplifying theoretical frameworks).


주어(Science)+ 완전 자동사(advances)+ 부사절{when~}

부사절 분석

when+주어(distinct topics)+ 동사( become)+부사(theoretically and empirically)+ 보어( integrated)+ 부사구(under simplifying theoretical frameworks).


2) 단어. 숙어

advance: 진보하다, 발전하다, 진전

Synonyms: progress, improvement, development, evolution

distinct: 명확한, 구별된, 독특한

Synonyms: separate, different, unique, individual

empirically: 경험적으로, 사실에 근거하여

Synonyms: experientially, observationally, factually

integrated: 통합된, 통합된

Synonyms: merged, unified, combined, incorporated

simplifying: 단순화하는, 간소화하는

Synonyms: simplification, streamlining, making simpler

theoretical: 이론적인, 이론상의

Synonyms: conceptual, hypothetical, abstract

framework: 구조, , 프레임

Synonyms: structure, framework, model, system


4. Psychology of science will encourage collaboration among psychologists from various sub-areas, helping the field achieve coherence rather than continued fragmentation.


1) 문장구조분석

Psychology of science /will encourage/ collaboration (among psychologists) (from various sub-areas), {helping/ the field /achieve /coherence rather than continued fragmentation}.

주어(Psychology of science)+ 동사(will encourage)+ 목적어(collaboration)+부사구(among psychologists)+ 부사구(from various sub-areas)+ 분사구문{helping~}

분사구문 분석

helping+목적어(the field)+동사의 원형 또는 to 부정사(achieve)+동사의 원형(achieve)의 목적어(coherence)+ 비교급(rather than)


2) 단어. 숙어

encourage: 장려하다, 촉진하다

Synonyms: promote, inspire, stimulate, foster

collaboration: 협력, 공동작업

Synonyms: cooperation, partnership, teamwork

sub-areas: 하위 분야, 부분 영역

Synonyms: subfields, sub-disciplines, specialized areas

coherence: 일관성, 조화

Synonyms: consistency, harmony, cohesion

rather than: ~하는 대신에, ~보다는

Synonyms: instead of, as opposed to, in preference to

continue: 계속되다, 지속되다

Synonyms: persist, endure, carry on, keep going

fragmentation: 분열, 파편화

Synonyms: division, disintegration, fragmentation, splintering




5. In this way, psychology of science might act as a template for psychology as a whole by integrating under one discipline all of the major fractions/factions within the field.


1) 문장구조분석

(In this way,) psychology of science /might act/ [as a template( for psychology) (as a whole) (by integrating) (under one discipline)] all of the major fractions/factions within the field.

부사구(In this way,)+ 주어(psychology of science)+부사구[as a template(for psychology)(as a whole)+ (by integrating) (under one discipline)] + integrating의 목적어(all of the major fractions/factions)+ 부사구(within the field.)


2) 단어. 숙어

in this way: 이렇게 함으로써, 이 방식으로

Synonyms: thus, thereby, consequently, in such a manner

act as: ~로서 작용하다, 역할을 하다

Synonyms: function as, serve as, play the role of

template: , 양식, 템플릿

Synonyms: framework, pattern, model, blueprint

as a whole: 전체적으로, 전반적으로

Synonyms: entirely, overall, collectively, as a complete unit

integrate: 통합하다, 통합되다

Synonyms: merge, unite, combine, incorporate

discipline: 학문, 분야

Synonyms: field, subject, area, domain

fraction: 부분, 일부

Synonyms: portion, segment, fragment, piece



6. It would be no small feat and of no small import if the psychology of science could become a model for the parent discipline on how to combine resources and study science from a unified perspective.


1) 문장구조분석

It/ would be/ no small feat and of no small import {if /the psychology of science /could become/ a model (for the parent discipline) {on how to combine resources and study science (from a unified perspective)}.

주어(It)+ 동사(would be)+ 보어(no small feat and of no small import)+ 종속절 {if~}

종속절 분석

if+ 주어(the psychology of science)+ 동사(could become) +보어(a model) +부사구 (for the parent discipline)+ 부사구 {on how to combine resources and study science (from a unified perspective)}.


2) 단어. 숙어

feat: 업적, 이례적인 성과

Synonyms: accomplishment, achievement, milestone, triumph

of no small import: 중요성이 작지 않은, 중요한

Synonyms: significant, considerable, noteworthy, substantial

discipline: 학문, 분야

Synonyms: field, subject, area, domain

combine: 결합하다, 조합하다

Synonyms: merge, unite, blend, integrate

resource: 자원, 자료

Synonyms: asset, wealth, reserve, material

perspective: 관점, 시각

Synonyms: viewpoint, outlook, standpoint, angle

